Direct Projection
»Self-made using materials to hand«, »One-Woman / One-Man production«, »My personal realization«, »Own idea, own ambition, own equipment, own financial outlay«,«The film was made with the only aid of my personal enthusiasm«, »Because I am complete independent and the question of budget has no sense for my work«, »It was produced, directed, written, shot and scored all by Joe Tunmer. He had a crew of 3 people including his mother, »I had no warm water and no fuel for the oven for one year, had to gather wood for fuel but still managed to get the film made«. (Comments from submissions for the Festival 2002)
The 2002 best-guiding-principles institution is open for designs, contemporary comment, generalisations and imagination. Self-made recordings from around the world have been pouring in on indeterminable levels of communications. The re-discovery of normality is undertaken through the application of ideas which, though fragile, boast carefully selected contents. An emotional state of emergency has become a permanent exhibit in the salle de relationships. Day of Action - a New Way of Seeing offers hands-on memories of humanity from the High Clean Colour catalogue in a state of permanent dusk. The black-and-white high school mode is recommended for reproduction. The murky aspect of the conscience lent its pall to the Dokumenta as it was happening. The amateur Gothic theme evening in films promoting tolerance should be extended to the fan club for useless things. SAFETY International declares the short film a war-free zone. New troubles spring from the reality ghost train where Arabic garages crop up and Letraset is no longer (the force for which it was once) recognised. Careful - not totally free and easy.
In a »Making of ... something«, beneath the electronic relaxation exercises, there are underlying twinklings of symbolism. Through 60s memorial revue experiments, we came through with works of missionary good to the question of ways of straying from the paths to new horizons. The simplest set-up of global misbehaviour drives livelihoods to temporary flat-lines. Interruptions by other means are on offer from No Budget. A truly one-off opportunity.
Tuesday, June 11th 2002, 8.00 pm, Metropolis Friday, June 14th 2002, 8.00 pm, Lichtmeß
1. Zondag Middag/Sunday Afternoon
Helmut Dick, Netherlands 1999, 3'36 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Video-Art
2. Pdoa Public Display of Affection
Gulliaume Graux, Belgium 2000, 24'00 Min., Betacam SP, color, engl. OV, Dolby Stereo, Experimentalfilm
3. The Name of the Game
Dragan Zivancevic, Yugoslavia 1999, 2'21 Min., Betacam SP, color, without dialogue, documentary short fiction
4. Mister E
Giulia Frati, Canada 2001, 6'00 Min., 16 mm, b/w, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
5. 8 Fragments de mon actualité/8 Fragments of my Actualities
Pierre Villemin, France 2002, 15'00 Min., Betacam SP, color & b/w, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
6. Cat Number Six is a Coward
Jérôme Gariépy, Canada 2000, 7'00, Min., 16 mm, b/w, engl. OV, short fiction
7. Art Flies Free
Ian Helliwell England, 2000, 3'00 Min., S-VHS, color, OV, Stereo, experimental Documentary
8. Small Electronics Part One The ...
Guido Rainier van Troost, Netherlands 1998, 1'00 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
9. Emblem
Cecilia Lundqvist, Sweden 2001, 2'27 Min., Mini DV & Betacam SP, color & b/w, engl. OV, experimental Animation
10. About a Theological Situation in the
Masayuki Kawai, Japan 2001, 6'30 Min., Mini DV, color, OV w. engl. subtitles, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
Monday, June 10th 2002, 5.30 pm, Metropolis Thursday, June 13th 2002, 8.00 pm, Lichtmeß
1. Monsieur William, Traces of a possible Life
Denis Gaubert, France 2001, 25'00, Min., 35mm, color & b/w, french-engl. OV w. engl. subtitles, Dolby SR, Documentary
2. Static Discharge (For Beeding Eyes)
Jowita Kepa, Canada 2001, 2'00 Min., Mini DV, b/w, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
3. A Letter from Mr. Konnyakuro
Taro Takahashi, Japan 2001, 3'46 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
4. Stalins Mamida Portugaliashi/Stalins Aunt in Portugal
Konstantin Esadze, Georgia 2001, 4'38 Min., S-VHS, color, OV w. engl. subtitles, short fiction
5. L' arrivée de Leopold/When Leopold Arrived
Sophie Watzlawick, Switzerland 2001, 12'00 Min., 16 mm, b/w, silent w. french Textboards, Experimentalfilm
6. Funkstille/Silence
Boris Dornbusch, Germany 2001, 4'20 Min., 16 mm, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
7. Duck Children
Sam Walker, England 2001, 8'11 Min., Betacam, SP color, without dialogue, short fiction
8. Crushed
Meesoo Lee, Canada 2001, 1'30 Min., Mini DV, color, engl. OV, Experimentalfilm
9. Platzkonzert
Reni Scholz, Germany 2001, 2'24 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Dolby Stereo, Experimentalfilm
10. Eartquake!
James Brett, England/USA 2001, 1'30 Min., Betacam SP, color, without dialogue, Dolby Stereo, short fiction
11. Haze
Kate Sobol, USA/Ukraine/Russia 2002, 8'00 Min., VHS NTSC, color & b/w, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
Monday, June 10th 2002, 10.30 pm, Lichtmeß Wednesday, June 12th 2002, 5.30 pm, Metropolis
1. Entre
Jason Arsenault, Canada 2001, 2'13 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
2. Video Hacking
Manuel Saiz, England 1999, 4'14 Min., Mini DV, color, OV, Documentary
3. Hand Eye Coordination
Naomi Uman, USA 2002, 10'25 Min., 16 mm, color & b/w, OV, Experimentalfilm
4. Sketch for Angels
Pia Wergius, Netherlands 2000, 2'40 Min., Betacam SP, color, without dialogue, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
5. Blacky
Saschko Frey, Germany 2001, 22'55 Min., 16 mm, color, OV, Documentary
6. Peute
Rabea Eipperle, Germany 2001, 2'55 Min., Betacam SP, color, without dialogue, Stereo, experimental choreography
7. Olive
Anson Hartford, England 2001, 9'00 Min., Mini DV, color, OV, Documentary
8. Die Ballade von Struppi
Klaus Beyer, Germany 2001, 3'50 Min., Betacam SP, color, OV, Musical
9. Me Ewld Fella
Sean Reynard, Germany 2001, 1'00 Min., Mini DV, color, engl. OV, short fiction
10. The Portrait of the young Artist in ...
Borjan Zafirovski, Macedonia 2001, 6'52 Min., Betacam SP, color, engl. OV, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
11. Chromaburst
Ian Helliwell, England 2001, 5'00 Min., S-VHS, color, without dialogue, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
Monday, June10th 2002, 8.00 pm, Lichtmeß Wednesday, June 12th 2002, 8.00 pm, Metropolis
1. The Babble on Palms
Steven Woloshen, Canada 2002, 4'10 Min., 35 mm, color, without dialogue, mono, Experimentalfilm
2. Die Salzfrösche von Hiddensee/The Saltfrogs of Hiddensee
Dagie Brundert, Germany 2002, 3'10 Min., Super 8, color, OV, short fiction
3. Schwanensee/Swan Lake
Markus Wirthmann, Germany 2001, 5'30 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
4. X Major
Pekka Sassi, Finland 2001, 4'16 Min., Betacam SP, color, without dialogue, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
5. Ha Chaim Ba Teva/Life in Nature
Abner Benaim, Israel 2001, 6'00 Min., Mini DV, color, OV w. engl. subtitles, Documentary
6. Green Field Journey
Pierre Pasler, Germany 2001, 3'06 Min., Betacam SP, color, without dialogue, Dolby Stereo, documentary short fiction
7. Skellahellavision
Martha Colburn, Netherlands 2002, 10'00 Min., 16 mm, color, without dialogue, Animation
8. The Local Sky Enlarger
Jennet Thomas, England 2002, 28'30 Min., Betacam SP, color, OV, Dolby Stereo, experimental short fiction
9. Gyvunelio Stilizacija/Stylization of the Animal
Rudolfas Levulis, Lithuania 2001, 15'00 Min., Mini DV, color, OV w. engl. subtitles, Documentary
Sunday, June 9th 2002, 5.30 pm, Metropolis Thursday, June 13th 2002, 10.30 pm, Lichtmeß
1. Dream on Flat Bed
Toshinori Hamada, Tadash Aizu, USA 2002, 18'15 Min., Mini DV, color, OV, short fiction
2. Danse Macabre
Persijn Broersen/Raymond Chabot, Netherlands 2000, 3'20 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Stereo, Animation
3. Flow
Rose Kallal, Canada 2000, 5'30 Min., 16 mm, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
4. Vaslekari/Reattachment
Saeed Nouri, Iran 2001, 12'00 Min., 35 mm, color, iranian OV w. engl. subtitles, Mono, short fiction
5. Linear Phases
Ian Helliwell, England 2001, 2'00 Min., S-VHS, color, without dialogue, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
6. Scenes from the Boulevard 14
Anne Cleary/Denis Connolly, France 2002, 2'00 Min./1'30 Min./ 1'30 Min./1'35 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilme
7. Pyongyang Robogirl
Simojukka Jouni/Ruippo Hokkanen, Finland 2001, 3'10 Min., 35 mm, color, without dialogue, Dolby SR, experimental Documentary
8. 601-S
Zsolt Mesko, Hungary 2001, 1'40 Min., 35 mm, color, without dialogue, Dolby Stereo, short fiction
9. Transistor
Michaela Schwentner, Austria 2000, 6'00 Min., Betacam SP, b/w, without dialogue, Dolby Stereo, Experimentalfilm
10. Masks Music & Micas
Rainer Orth, USA 1999, 17'45 Min., 16 mm, color, OV, Documentary
11. Flap Flap Today Go Make Sunshine
David Lim, USA 2001, 0'40 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Experimentalfilm
Sunday, June 9th 2002, 8.00 pm, Lichtmess Tuesday, June 11th 2002, 10.30 pm, Metropolis
1. Pa Tak
Hanna Nordholt, Fritz Steingrobe, D 2002, 3'50 Min., Mini DV, b/w, engl.-french-german OV w. engl. subtitles, Stereo, exp. Computeranimation
2. Tai Youkei DaiI Sanwakusei/The Third Planet in the Solarsystem
Keisuke Shimizu, Japan 2001, 27'05 Min., Mini DV, color & b/w, OV, Stereo, short fiction
3. A Very Very Silent Film
Manish Jha, India 2001, 5'12 Min., 16 mm, color, silent, short fiction
4. A Bela e os Pássaros/The Beauty and the Birds
Marcelo Toledo, Paolo Gregorio, Brazil 2001, 7'00 Min., 35 mm, b/w, without dialogue, Dolby Digital, Experimentalfilm
5. Preparations for Listening 1-3
Guido Rainier van Troost, Netherlands 2000, 1'00 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Dolby Stereo, Video-Art
6. Patterns of Interference
Ian Helliwell, England 2000, 3'00 Min., S-VHS, color, without dialogue, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
7. The Tower
Racké Muskens, Netherlands 2001, 15'00 Min., Betacam SP, color, engl. OV, Stereo, Experimentalfilm
8. Remembering Bangladesh 2. Dust-Work
Myriam Thyes, Germany 2001, 5'30 Min., Mini DV, color, without dialogue, Stereo, Documentary
9. Tomatenköpfe/Tomatoheads
Paul Horn/Harlad Hund, Austria 2001, 6'00 Min., Mini DV, color, OV, short fiction