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Work in Progress

Work is the fire of creation

Ignited by Karl Marx' words, we created the fiery special programme “Work in Progress”. Right now, work is the proverbial hot potato. The media is swamped with buzz words like precariat, telecommuter and migrant workforce; self-styled experts talk about the end of gainful and full time employment, while politicians predict positive developments regarding the current unemployment figures.

According to a recent poll, 46% of all Germans work purely for the sake of making money, while only 12% consider their work to be gratifying and challenging. The vast majority doesn't look too enthusiastic about their work, assuming they do have work at all.

Work in the sense of gainful employment seems to be both a curse and a blessing at the same time. Self actualisation and social security have an ambivalent relationship with the dependence on income and employer.

A subject's social relevance is bound to be mirrored in contemporary art, and this is the case with the subject of ”work” as well. During the selection-screenings of this year's submissions from Germany and abroad, it became obvious that in both cases, the number of films about work had increased. The subject's growing importance is a world wide phenomena.

There are many individuals and organisations aiming at furthering the societal discussion: Last year, the Federal Cultural Foundation initiated the programme “Arbeit in Zukunft” (work in the future). Several diverse programmes dealing with the change of work in artistic and cultural ways were created. Our special programme “Work in Progress” is a part of this, and is being overseen by the ”Freunde der deutschen Kinemathek”.


The special programme Work in Progress is separated in three programmes:


How can pictures about working procedures be found and how can the profession and identity of the working man go together? We are looking at this question in our second block, called Professional Pictures.

The eleven shorts of the reel "mach doch, was du willst” (Do Whatever You Like) are the product of a competition in the context of “Arbeit in Zukunft” (Work in future), and they are constituting another block of our special programme.

Work:Place:Port illustrates the connection between work and globalisation. By looking at this economic focal point, the development from manual labour over the modern lading port to fully automated container logistics can be retraced. And Hamburg, the sound of seagulls and a pint of sea water is all part of the package, as well.

The special programme Work in Progress is supported by:


Work in Progress - Professional Pictures

Wednesday, 6 June, 21:45 h, B-Movie

Friday, 8 June, 17:30 h, zeise 2




Tausend gegen einen

Karl Hamrun. Germany 1965

Docu-Fiction, 14:00 Min., German OV with English ST




My Job III

Joern Utkilen, Scottland 2001

Docu-Fiction, 04:30 Min., English OV




Cirugía (Surgery)

Alberto González, Spain 2006

Animation, 02:15 Min., Spanish OV with English ST




Calcutta Calling

André Hörmann, Germany / India 2006

Documentary, 16:28 Min., English OV with German ST




Pauze (Personal Rooms)

Jennifer Pettersson, Netherlands 2005

Documentary, 12:00 Min., Dutch OV with English ST






Wir haben eine ganze Stadt umgebaut (We Rebuilt a Complete Town)

Marcel Neudeck, Germany 2005

Documentary, 10:40 Min., English OV




Der heimliche Aufmarsch

Sabine Loew, Germany 2006

Music Clip, 04:24 Min., German OV





Last Men Standing

Sasha Djurkovic, England / Wales 2005

Documentary, 17:50 Min., English OF with English ST





Rytmi (Rhythm)

Sami Hyrynkangas, Finland 2003

Documentary, 09:40 Min., Finnish OV with English ST





Mit der Sonne habe ich es eh nicht (I Don´t Like the Sun)

Almut Getto & Tim Prell, Germany 1996

Documentary, 10:00 Min., German OV with English ST





Is So (Honestly)

Anna Deutsch, Germany 2006

Documentary, 02:00 Min., German OV with English ST


Work in Progress - Work:Place:Port

Thursday, 7 June, 19:30 h, B-Movie

Sunday, 10 June, 15:00 h, zeise 2



Das Tor zur Welt (The Gate to the World)

Adalbert Baltes, Germany 1955/56

Documentary, 12:16 Min., German OV with English ST





Containerhafen Hamburg (Container Port Hamburg)

Joachim Paschen, Germany 1989

Documentary, 13:00 Min., German OV with English ST





Schiffer Klavier (Accordion)

Marte Kiessling, Germany 2007

Experimental, 05:30 Min., without dialogues




Ribar dorde razgoni mrak (Fisherman George Scatters the Gloom)

Vladimir Perovic, Serbia 2006

Documentary, 18:03 Min., Serbian OV with English ST




Hammer and Flame

Vaughan Pilikian, England / India 2005

Documentary, 10:00 Min., without dialogues




Go to Shanghai

Daniela Abke & Dorothee Brüwer, Germany 1999

Documentary, 15:00 Min., English / German / Chinese OV






Harry Flöter, Germany 1997

Documentary, 15:00 Min., German / English / Spanish OV


Work in Progress - do whatever you like

Sunday, 10 June, 19:45 h, 3001



Die neue Zeit (The New Era)

Karsten Wiesel, Germany 2007

Docu-Fiction, 02:01 Min., German OV


Mit Pferden kann man nicht ins Kino gehen (You Can't Take Horses to the Cinema)

Anna Shirin Wahle, Germany 2007

Documentary, 10:24 Min., German OV




Eine Schauspielerin versucht zu weinen (An Actress Tries to Cry)

Arne Bunk, Germany 2007

Experimental, 02:40 Min., without dialogues





Jens Schillmöller & Lale Nalpantoglu, Germany 2007

Fiction, 09:37 Min., German OV



Deutschland - Ein Herbstmärchen (Germany - An Autumn Fairy Tale)

Jochen Hick, Germany 2007

Documentary, 16:51 Min., German OV




Wirtschaftswunder (Economic Miracle)

Andreas Teuchert, Germany 2007

Documentary, 17:11 Min., German OV





Peters Prinzip (Peter's Principle)

Jim Lacy & Kathrin Albers, Germany 2007

Animation, 03:50 Min., German OV




Recycled Planets

Jeanine Reutemann & Mojgan Ghanaatgar, Switzerland 2007

Animation, 02:22 Min., without dialogues




Waldmeister (Forest Cleaner)

Markus Mischkowski, Germany 2007

Fiction, 09:00 Min., German OV




Markus Dietrich, Germany 2007

Fiction, 06:10 Min., German OV



Wie ich ein freier Reisebegleiter wurde (How I Became a Freelance Travel Guide)

Jan Peters, Germany 2007

Docu-Fiction, 15:37 Min., German OV



International Short Film Festival Hamburg

Organiser: KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.

Friedensallee 7 • D-22765 Hamburg • Phone: +49-40-39 10 63 23

Fax: +49-40-39 10 63 20 • eMail

© 2007 KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Page last updated > 25.05.2007