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Special events

Open-Air festival preview

The nonofficial festival beginning.


The annual festival Open-Air. A little taste of what's to come the next week. Everything will be 35 mm. Third time in the Großen Bergstraße. No money needed. No rain expected.


Saturday, 2 June 2007, at dusk in the Großen Bergstraße opposite the Hafenklang-Exil.

Festival Café

Sticky, new and irresistable


The perfect place to start the daily festival routine or to take a necessary break.

All festival guests are invited to enjoy dirty drinks and culinary extravagances that will be served here. The ideal location to momentarily cure the hangover, to take a deep breath of non-filimic air or simply to gossip about things that just happend.


Wednesday, 6 - Monday, 11 June 2007

daily from 12.30 - 18.00 h

Foyer of the Filmhaus, Friedensallee 7

Festival Club


„When the time comes to leave, just walk away quietly and don’t make any fuss“

(from: Banksy, ‘Wall and Piece’)


Our Festivalclub has moved. After six years in the Harkortstraße, the International ShortFilmFestival's Festival Club can now be found high over the rooftops of Hamburg, on the 5th floor of the Medienbunker at the Heiligengeistfeld.

There will plenty of dancing, drinking and dating going on on the dance-floor. The sensitve people behind the bar and turntables will help you to mentally process the daily short film injection. 275 qm invite you for a stroll and if you are in need of some fresh air, you can enjoy the view of Hamburg's skyline from the balcony.


Each night from 21.45 to 0.45 h, the free Natural American Spirit-Shuttlebus connects the zeise cinemas and festival centre (leaving the parkinglot Behringstraße approx. every 30 minutes) and the Festival Club.


To increase the anticipation or to complete the daily shedule, the full programme of the Festival Club is avaiable online.


Wednesday, 6 - Monday, 11 June 2007, daily from 22.00 h

Medienbunker, 5th floor, Feldstraße 66

Work in Progress

Additional to the short film special programme Work in Progress, other events within the project Work in Progress, which is part of the Arbeit in Zukunft (Work in the future) programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, are taking place during the festival:

Work in Progress: Film 2.0
Work in Progress: Port Cruise on the subject of Colonialism, Migration and Globalisation

Work in Progress: Film 2.0

Film 2.0

The Internet has turned into a huge cinematic auditorium. Filmmakers experiment with alternative ways of producing, financing and generating revenue within the digital environment. Projects such as “Creative Commons” create the legal framework for free swapping. But if the product itself is free, who is paying for the work? What are the chances and risks? Cultural scientist Meike Richter will present the new developments in her lecture.

More information and several links to mentioned projects are avaiable on this page.

The event will be held in English.


Thursday, 7 June 2007, 12.00-14.00 h

zeise 2, zeise Hallen, Friedensallee 7-9

Work in Progress: Port Cruise on the subject of Colonialism, Migration and Globalisation

Port Cruise on the subject of Colonialism, Migration and Globalisation

Where does our coffee come from? Where is the largest storage of oriental rugs in the world? And why does a poor country like Liberia maintain one of the world’s biggest merchant’s fleets? A boat ride behind the scenes of red brick walls and gantry cranes. It’s about goods such as coffee and chocolate, soy and bananas and jeans and arms. The boat ride illustrates the backgrounds of the global trade with Africa, Asia and Latin America. It explains why coffee and chocolate got so cheap, why scrap metal is a major export and where the profits from the extremely uneven trade between north and south go. The Guided tour will be in English.

For more information, please ask at the infocounter in the festival centre.


Saturday, 9 June 2007, 12.00 h

Meeting point: Infocounter, foyer of the Filmhaus, fee: 6 Euro

Mo&Friese - Late Night

Late at night...


At the Mo&Friese Late Night – when the kids are already sleeping – we are going to show you a selection of children’s films from programmes. After all, children’s films are also films for adults. We are delighted to invite the directors of the shown films (which are guests at the festival) to present their films personally and get in direct contact with the audience.


Thursday, 7 June 2007, 22.00 h

3001 Kino, Schanzenstr. 75

KinoKabaret – 48 Hours Need 48 Thrills

Shortfilmers Of The World Unite And Take Over!

Some men climb the highest mountains, others dive hundreds of meters without any oxygen, and yet others eat a hundred chicken wings in one meal, but the hardest ones of them all create films within 48 hours at the Kinokabaret Hamburg. 48 hours is all the actors, directors, cinematographers, cutters, best boys, and other film people from all over the world have got to conceive, film, cut, organize and film an entire short. Doing that once would be hard, but four times in a row is going to separate the filmmakers from the spectators.

Our headquarters in the time from 1 to 9 June, will be at the Haus 73 (Schulterblatt 73), where two screenings (3 June and 5 June) prior to the ISFF will be held, and you are all invited to drop in.


Thurday, 7 June 2007, 22.30 h (Silentfilm-screening with live music)

zeise 1, zeise Hallen, Friedensallee 7-9


Saturday, 9 June 2007, 22.00 h

Metropolis, Dammtorstr. 30a

Talent meets Producer

For the Hamburg International Short Film Festival, shorts are existential – and not just because they are giving the festival its name or because spreading them is the Short Film Agency’s charter’s aim. Rather, we believe that short films are the field of activity for innovation and conciseness. The short film is an independent art form with specific rules and structures.

Accordingly, we are promoting short films on all levels, including production, presentation and distribution. Talent meets Producer is a programmatic result of our creed. Using this label, we have been offering a multitude of events about education and promotion of talents for years. The situation of interested filmmakers is

brought up in three ways: In direct contact with producers, in workshops or panel

discussions with experts and in events by associated film institutions.

Talent meets Producer: Short and Worthless?
Talent meets Producer: Intimate Talent meets Producer
Talent meets Producer: Open Medienhaus

Talent meets Producer: Short and Worthless?

This panel discussion is about subsidiary funding of productions and the status of short films in general. National public funding-institutions are requested to illustrate the scale and criteria of support for filmmakers in Germany. A British solution is presented by members of the model “Cinema Extreme” of the UK Film Council, the Robert Bosch Stiftung informs about their approach towards transnational film funding and a representative of the arts will give an insight into their attitude towards shorts. Naturally, the perspective of producers and filmmakers will be integrated as well, since it is all about their needs in the first place.


Presenter: André Feldhaus (Filmbüro Bremen)

Panellists: Rebecca Mark-Lawson (Cinema Extreme), Simon Ellis (Regisseur), Markus Halberschmidt (Busse&Halberschmidt Filmproduktion), Eva Hubert (FilmFörderung Hamburg), Klaus W. Becker (Filmbüro Bremen).


Friday, 8 June 2007, 12.30-14.30 h

Monsun Theater, Friedensallee 20

Talent meets Producer: Intimate Talent meets Producer

This year, we will continue and expand our mediation of personal talks between

young filmmakers and producers. This way, young directors and producers will be

given the opportunity to talk about their concerns in a relaxed environment far from

the usual expectations. This is expressly not about selling a possibly planned project.

Rather, an informal exchange on a personal level is offered, leading to a mutual

gain of insight and ideally, a long-term contact of mutual interest. The personal

talks will be arranged in the run-up to the festival and will be held as a closed

event during the festival-week.


With invitation only.

Talent meets Producer: Open Medienhaus


First-hand information and answers about funds around Hamburg and Europe under one umbrella: on occasion of the International Short Film Festival Film Fund Hamburg, Hamburg Film Commission and MEDIA Desk Germany invites to the foyer of the Medienhaus for two hours to present various regional and European funding and training opportunities for German and European professionals. Plus a nice cup of coffee!



Friday, 8 Juni, 10.30–12.30 h

Foyer of the Medienhaus, Friedensalle 14-16

Panel Discussion: Film School

Film School - Opportunities and Challenges of film education at school

Das Hasen-Signal-Alphabet by Franz Wintzensen

The panel discussion will bring forward the current situation of academic film education in Hamburg and will ask for new opportunities and challenges in the future of film education.

What are the opportunities and challenges of involving extracurricular experts, such as film makers? How can workshop-like learning environments such as cinemas and museums be of use? How and under what circumstances can everyone involved profit from the manifold aesthetic experiences of film?

Along with these questions, projects and theoretical approaches, which could possibly offer groundbreaking food for thought for film education in the future, are brought up as well. The event is aimed at teachers, educators, parents, (film-)artists, and all those who are concerned with film education and who consider full-time school to be a chance to integrate it lastingly into curricular processes.

The panel will be held in German


Presenter: Manuel Zahn (Educationalist, assistant lecturer at Hamburg University, received his doctor's degree with his work about film education)

Panellists: Arne Bunk (alumnus HfbK Hamburg, workshop instructor of the Short Film School of the KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg), Gabriele Hattig (Teacher and coordinator for art eduction at the board of education and sport), Andreas Hedrich (Media educator, directorate of the “Junger Arbeitskreis Film Hamburg e.V.”, co-initiator of “Mediennetz Hamburg” and “”), Dorit Kiesewetter (Art-teacher at the Max-Brauer Gesamtschule, film maker and co-director of the Lichtmeß cinema), Nina Rippel (Lecturer for art and film impartation at the Leuphana, Lüneburg University)


Friday, 8 June 2007, 14.30-17.00 h

zeise 1, zeise Hallen, Friedensallee 7-9

A Wall is a Screen

Aspiring enterprise looking for unpaid followers

That’s what most job advertisements sound like these days. Our mobile short film cinema A Wall is a Screen will be dealing with the confusions of the modern working environment. In the course of our walk about, shorts will be projected onto the walls of potential employers in downtown Hamburg.

Transformed into a job advertisement, it might look a little like this:


We are: Focused on shorts, mobile and streetwise


Working Hours: Approximately 2 hours after nightfall


Intention: Façade projection


Interested? Come and join our short film walk about. No strings attached!



Friday, 8 June 2007, 10.15pm and Saturday 9 June 2007, 10.15pm

Meeting Point: Graskeller (Bridge) (Close to U Rödingsmarkt, S Stadthausbrücke)

Filmschule Hamburg Berlin e.V. - Documentary film: Introductory Seminar

Documentary film: Introductory Seminar

A seminar by the Filmschule Hamburg Berlin e.V.


Film maker Trevor Peters will be giving an introduction to the documentary film:

Choice and Development of Material • Filmic Thinking: Handling and Depiction of Reality • Classic points of contention in the genre • Limits of Viability • Recording as a Process. Through the use of selected film examples and his own ideas, several approaches towards documentaries will be analysed and the topical and technical aspects of creating a documentary film will be made comprehensible.


Fees: 220 € for the 2-day seminar (Accredited guests of the Hamburg ISFF 110 €)

More information and registration: +49-(0)40-399 099 31 or


Saturday, 9 June, and Sunday, 10 June

Filmhaus Hamburg, Friedensallee 7

The KurzFilmVerleih presents: The Prefilm Test


“Several short films in a row can possibly lead to a kind of cinematic over saturation. But they make great entrées.”

(Christine Runge, Eifel-Film-Bühne, Hillesheim, Eifel)


Miss Runge’s comment certainly contradicts the practice of short film festivals to present between six and ten films per programme. For our distribution, however, it is the valid statement of a long-time customer. After all, it does confirm our effort to firmly reposition shorts in cinemas as prefilms.

After shorts had started to vanish from the cinemas in the 70s and could only seen in the context of festivals at best, they have been enjoying great popularity since the early 90s in about 100 German cinemas, which are now regularly showing shorts.

In order to respond to the growing demand for new shorts, the KurzFilmVerleih is once again presenting its popular Prefilm Test. The audience and directors of cinemas along with hopefully numerously attending film makers will take a look at possible candidates for distribution, discuss them and vote for those most suitable as prefilms.

We won’t spill the beans on the selection of films just yet. As always, we will make a pick from our diverse competitions and we’re sure that anyone’s taste will be satisfied. And we are certain that some shorts from the Prefilm test will make it into the KurzFilmAgentur’s distribution, where they will find their way into the cinemas.


Saturday, 9 June 2007, 19.45 h

3001 cinema, Schanzenstraße 75

Apple MM Trading: Final Cut Studio 2-Presentation

Professional editor and author Andreas Zerr will present the new Final Cut Studio 2 features in a suitable location: the zeise cinema.


The presentation will be held in German


Please register in time: zeise(at)

The contingent is limited.


More information about the Final Cut Studio 2 Presentation (in German):


853 K

Monday, 11 June, 12.00-15.00 h

zeise 2, zeise Hallen, Friedensallee 7-9

Post-festival events and other aftershocks

The festival is already over and you haven't seen all 400 films? Well, you can't divide yourself into ten parts now, can you? That's why we are presenting the NoNite, a retrospection of the 23rd Hamburg International Short Film Festival. Three hours which will make you feel like you have just died and woken in heaven, with all award winning shorts and the favourites of both the festival team and the audience.


Saturday, 16 June 2007, 20.00 h

Metropolis cinema, Dammtorstr. 30a


Right after the festival, we will go and visit those unfortunates who have to spend their lives south of the Elbe. In Lüneburg and Bremen, everybody will get a chance to take a look at the best of the fest(ival).


Thursday, 14 June 2007, 20.00 h

Scala Programmkino, Apothekenstr. 17, Lüneburg


Sunday, 17 June 2007, 20.30 h

Kino 46, Walter Heerstr. 46, Bremen


International Short Film Festival Hamburg

Organiser: KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.

Friedensallee 7 • D-22765 Hamburg • Phone: +49-40-39 10 63 23

Fax: +49-40-39 10 63 20 • eMail

© 2007 KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Page last updated > 23.04.2008