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Awards in the International Competition

In the International Competition, a jury awards the Hamburg Short Film Award (EUR 3.000,-) and the François Ode Award (EUR 1.500,-) – an honorary prize for special humantitarian expression. In addition, the Audience Award (EUR 1.500,-) will be awarded to the film which the audience chooses as their favourite in the International Competition. Last but not least one of the films will receive the arte-Short Film Award donated by the Franco-German tv station.

The cross-competition awards are the ZDFdokukanal-Award and the MUSIC in a SHORTFILM Award from the GEMA foundation presented by RockCity Hamburg e.V..

More about the Awards.

International Competition

"Pre-imitators of originals exist. When two people have an idea, it doesn’t belong to who had it first, but who had it better." (Karl Kraus)


An Umpteenth Debut. And not just for the International Competition


There is hardly any cultural achievement that doesn’t cause an engrossed white noise carrying the knee-jerk exclamation of nothing being new. It is not rare that this is even turned into a standard for oneself: Be new, or even more distinctly: invent yourself anew at all times! However this is supposed to be possible.


Newness may be an often uttered wish when it comes to the arts; fulfilment of this wish can be found somewhere else. “New” can be read on so-called summer chocolates. It comes from the vocabulary of the promises of the market. You can easily see that “new” doesn’t necessarily mean anything by itself by looking at the “New Media” which have been constantly brought up, mentioned and hyped since their invention some 40 years ago. If the cry for newness would have any serious justification, it would logically make itself obsolete. As long as something is good and gets better, the “New” may well remain on chocolate wrappers.


A final comment on this: In the famous caves of Lascaux, around 25 to 30 thousand years ago, someone had made a beautiful painting: a very precise black and ochre-red chess pattern. This received the beautiful title “indecipherable sign at the foot of the Great Black Cow”. And this in spite of Malewitsch and his suprematism.


We wish you enlightening moments in the festival programme.

International Short Film Festival Hamburg

Organiser: KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.

Friedensallee 7 • D-22765 Hamburg • Phone: +49-40-39 10 63 23

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© 2008 KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Page last updated > 23.04.2009