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Smoke - The financial costs

Smoker, non-smoker - in the eyes of the Three-Minute-Quickie everybody is equal. But when it gets down to the films themselves, there can only be one winner of the audience award (EUR 1.000,-). That would correlate to approximately 250 packets of cigarettes. At least in Germany.

And because the sound of matches, burning paper and smoker's cough is extremely pleasant, films in the Three-Minute-Quickie also qualify for the cross-competition awards, like the MUSIC in a SHORTFILM Award from the GEMA foundation presented by RockCity Hamburg.

More information about awards


What’s that smell?


Generally speaking, smoke is a gaseous combustion residue that can be created from many materials. It’s not all about cigarettes at this year’s competition: there are volcanoes, burning cars and a side note on native American smoke text messages. However the good old fag (in the British sense of the word) still seems to be dominating the general interest. Surprisingly, there were more submissions than there had been for the subject Football in 2006 but fewer than there had been for Home in 2007.


This order of priority makes us wonder but doesn’t discourage us. After all, last year there had been many complaints because of the length of the programme. This time we have kept it down to 29 films. As always with the three minute quickie, the entertaining will be next to the serious, experimental, obscene and incorrect.


Apart from elaborate discussion on the international comparison of the smoking ban (Scotland/Hamburg) and meditative to brutal films on the aesthetics of smoke in and of itself, there is even the odd joke about bimbos and several takes on the connection between smoke and porn. When there’s no fire, there isn’t any smoke either.


Incidentally we weren’t intending to make a lopsided propaganda programme for smoking. We would have added any serious anti-smoking film as well – however, there weren’t any. It was all smoke and mirrors, in a way.


After all, prohibition as such is pretty unsexy. And even though some of this programme’s reviewers had given up on smoking (not because of the ban though): It still looks pretty damn good.


So, once again, we wish you all a lot of fun. And thank you for smoking.

Three-Minute-Quickie 2008 - Smoke

Wednesday, 4 June 2008 22:00 h, Metropolis

Friday, 6 June 2008 19:30 h, Lichtmess

Saturday, 7 June 2008 22:00 h, zeise 1

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Brian Rhodes, England 2007

Experimental, 3:00 mins, without dialogue


Everything but...

Colin Dewar, England 2007

Animation, 2:46 mins, English


Pille Palle (Geegaw)

Kirstin Büttner & Heike Dittmers, Germany 2008

Documentary, 3:03 mins, German


Muss besser werden (Has to get better)

Hagen Klaile, Germany 2007

Fiction, 3:00 mins, German



Benjamin Collins, England 2008

Fiktion, 0:59 mins, without dialogue



Yves Ackermann, France 2007

Experimental, 2:10 mins, without dialogue


Little Amerika (Little America)

Claudia Stranghöner & Johanna Berüter, Germany 2008

Experimental, 2:24 mins, wihtout dialogue


The Tourists

Malcolm Sutherland, Canada 2007

Animation, 3:00 mins, without dialogue


Occupied (Besetzt)

Christian Filek, Austria 2008

Fiction, 2:58 mins, without dialogue


Smoke Gets in Your Skies

Edward Lyon, England 2008

Fiction, 3:05 mins, English


You Can Get it if You Really Want

Sebastian Duthy, England 2007

Fiction, 2:40 mins, without dialogue


Qualm (Smoke)

Stefan Möckel, Germany 2008

Experimental documentary, 1:15 mins, German



Dorit Kiesewetter & Carsten Knoop, Germany 2008

Documentary, 2:15 mins, German


Ortalama40çöp (Average 40matches)

Burkay Dogan, Turkey 2007

Animation, 2:19 mins, without dialogue



Matthias Roth, Germany 2008

Experimental, 2:35 mins, without dialogue


A Woman under the Influence

Heike Nösslböck, Austria 2007

Animation, 3:02 mins, without dialogue


Da ist nichts (Nothing's there)

Markus Schaefer & René Schöttler, Germany 2008

Documentary fiction, 3:03 mins, German



June Toner, Scottland 2008

Dokumentary, 3:00 mins, English


Rauchverbote (Smoking Ban)

Till Penzek & Jon Frickey, Germany 2007

Animation, 2:23 mins, German


Field Trip

Darryl Graff, USA 1999

Ficiton, 1:38 mins, English with English ST


Rauchgift (Smoking Poison)

Bettina Schoeller, Germany/Romania 2001/2007

Dokumentary, 3:00 mins, Romanian / Italian


Seifenblasen (Soap Bubbles)

Andreas Grützner, Germany 2008

Dokumentary, 3:13 mins, Germany with English ST


2 Berge (2 Mountains)

Markus Kempken, Germany 2008

Animation, 2:45 mins, without dialogue


Dying Backwards

Simon Ellis, England 2008

Experimental, 2:50 mins, without dialogue


Alte Kameraden (Old Friends)

Rudi Wilhelm, Germany 2007

Fiction, 3:00 mins, without dialogue


Form Follows Function

Wolfgang Neipl, Austria 2008

Experimental, 2:59 mins, without dialogue


Don't Smoke

Kyros Kikos, Switzerland 2008

Music clip, 2:50 mins, German



Sebastian Linke & Gerald Haffke, Germany 2008

Experimental, 2:59 mins, without dialogue


Vielen Herzlichen Dank (Many Thanks for the Smokes)

Robert Rapoport, USA 2007

Experimental, 3:14 mins, German with English ST


International Short Film Festival Hamburg

Organiser: KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.

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© 2008 KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Page last updated > 23.04.2009