IKFF meets Theater der Welt

Theater der Welt 2017, the great international theatre festival, will be held at the same time as the 33rd Hamburg ISFF. A welcome occasion for joint events. Especially since we have plenty of excellent short films in our hold for the focus on the port, which we present at such fitting places as the Kehrwiederspitze (KörberForum) and on board of the MS Stubnitz.

Damals zwischen Elbe und Reeperbahn

Wednesday Mai 31th | 19:00 h | KörberForum, Kehrwieder 12

60 years of port history are illuminated from lots of different perspectives. Including the Hamburgian classic ›Ware Unterwegs‹ from the 1950s, in which Werner Grassman took a tongue-in-cheek look at the port’s flow of commodities as well as Armin Wick’s portray of a longshoreman’s daily routine in ›Zwischen Elbe und Reeperbahn‹.

Hafenrhythmus at Night?

Sunday June 4th | 18:00 h and 20:00 h | MS Stubnitz, Baakenhöft

The selection of experimental documentaries ranges from routes of refugees over the Mediterranean to abstract naval superstructures in which the soundtrack is at the forefront. Thus, Felix Kubin composed an industrial sounding sound collage for Jörg Wagner’s film ›Terminal‹, which playfully depicts the operating cycles of a container terminal in a visually stunning manner, while Richard Penna’s ›At Night‹ is accompanied by a drone soundtrack by Geir Jessen. Things are getting loud and the MS Stubnitz is booming and banging.

Schiffer Klavier Accordion | Marte Kiessling | Germany 2007 | 5:30 min | No dialogue
At Night | Richard Penna | Great Britain 2006 | 10:31 min | No dialogue
Shipwreck | Morgan Knibbe | Netherlands 2014 | 14:57 min | Tigrinya/Italian | English subtitles
| Jörg Wagner | Germany 2009 | 8:30 min | No dialogue
Hammer and Flame |
Vaughan Pilikian | Great Britain/India 2005 | 10:00 min | No dialogue
Brunsbüttel Brunsbüttel Bridge
| Karsten Wiesel | Germany 2015 | 12:00 min | No dialogue
Postcard to Godzilla
| Louis Fried | Germany 2015 | 5:40 min?| No dialogue
Starship | Bernard Gigounon | Belgium 2002 | 5:53 min | No dialogue